Monday, June 09, 2008

When escalators became mean, humiliation-creating machines….

Ever ever everrrr had your worst fears staring right at you n there u are, glued top the spot, without knowing what to do???


Hell yeah, that’s how I felt yesterday…

It’s a well known fact that I have a ‘thing’ for escalators.. NOT a crush but the total opposite – PHOBIA..

Rite, go ahead n start chuckling but that’s just it.. im terrified of escalators.. I’d rather walk down hundreds and hundreds of stairs rather than go down an escalator..

p/s – going up aint that bad.. its the going down that scares the hell out of me…

Back to the story…

Here I am, standing right at the top of the escalator.. my parents are down, waiting for me to come down…my mum pretty well knows how scared am I of escalators.. but seing that there wasn’t any lift to go to the basement, there stood the escalator, looking at me with its wild eyes and sharp yellow coated teeth going – CHOP CHOP im OUT TO GET YOU!!!

Standing there for a good 5 minutes, looking frantically for any other way, some way just anything to get out of this spot,it was than my dad realized that I wasn’t beside him… N thus started the drama…

MUM :- She cant’s come down…Scared of the escalator..

DAD:- What?? Eh, come down now.. Don’t embarrass me..

ME:- (standing there, giggling cluelessly) ß god knows y do I giggle when I get scolding??? *wonders*

So, my mum comes up the escalator, followed by my dad…

HOORAY!!! Finally, we would be finding some other way to go out…

Alas, my happiness was shortlived.. Dad was never someone who would take NO for an answer..

Dad :- Look here, just put one step n the other leg will just follow.. Don’t look down..

And off he went, down the escalator..

I sttod there, trying my usual way of couting 1,2,3 n jump.. but this escalator was so high.. My legs were GLUED!!!

Whispering to mum, “Mummy, I really cannot.. Please lets find some lift or something”

Mum :- Shamini, pls la.. just go.. Appa will scold ok..

And yet, with fear growing in me by the second, I stood there…

People who were decending, gave me that “LOOK”.

If only I could just evaporate or disappear.. My dad, realizing that I was still at the top, came up again..

Dad :- Your reflexs action is that bad ah?? People will laugh at you. Just put one step..

Again,. Intending to demonstrate, he got on the escalator and went down hoping that I would have followed his footsteps but in vain.

The more I started down, hoping to somehow just get on the escalator, the more IT stared back at me, with his evil eyes and razor sharp teeth… I could hear my brain screaming HELP!!! But all I could do was just stand there…

By this time, my dad had gone down and come up again almost 5 times… I sensed an outburst of rage coming real soon… I had to do something ASAP if I wanted to avoid public-scolding…But by that time, I was feeling sick to my stomach.

ME :- Mummy, im feeling giddy. Really I cannot la.. Pleaseeee…

Mum :- She is feeling giddy it seems..There’s no other lift ah?

DAD :- She has to learn. If she doesn’t learn this today, she can never overcome anything in life.

Well, that’s is.. There was no way I was going to leave Prangin Mall without getting on that EVIL escalator…


Finally, I held on my mum’s hand and decided to step down.. After counting from 1-10, I managed to move my icy cold feet that had seem to be glued to the floor and stepped on the escalator..

But just like my dad said – BAD REFLEXS..BAD COORDINATION.. or whatever it is..

As feared, I landed, bottom first on the escalator..

Some passer by :- Dia terjatuh la..

Oh yeah, only then did I realize that not only did I caused such great ignominy by not wanting to get on escalator and falling and hurting my leg, but i had provided 20 minutes of drama and humor to the passer by’s in the mall..


Fear is after all meant to be left as FEAR n not to be tackled as if life’s a football field and FEAR is my opposition team… *giggles*

*Who ever who came up with escalators, out to be shot down*