-- A GuY I KnoW --
There was once a guy I know who had this radiating flirtatious aura around him. Everywhere he went, he conquered the place with his flirting manner. Although he conquered many hearts especially the hearts of the same species like him, but during the process many other hearts were broken too..
But was he bothered??? NAHHH…
The guys looked up at him simply because of his gift of gab when it came to lies.. He could wriggle his way out of any sticky situations with never ending string of lies. The XY Species was one hell of a proud of him. After all, why shouldn’t they be??? He was like a guru who thought them the art of breaking women’s hearts…
As for the women, they shuddered at the mere thought of him, let alone talk bout him.. Such were his legacy…
Now, there is this saying that a pride comes before a fall..
While some people believed in it, this guy dismissed it. After all, he was the King of Queens. He has a well tested strategy when it came to playing with woman.
“Been there, done that and I ain’t gonna get caught” ß- that was his motto of life…
But his downfall came in the form of a girl who had had her own share of flirting guys who always showered her with nothing but cloying fabrications..
He was a flirt.. She was a girl. Can I make anything more obvious???
Without wasting a split second, he tried his maneuvers on her. Starting off with the usual sweet words and than moving on to act like he cared about her..
Now the one drawback here was the girl was just in the process of recuperating from her break up with her ex-bf. Seeing that this guy was actually her ex-bf’s friend and that he seemed to look like he really cared, she welcomed his help and caring words with open hands..
But who ever knew that the guy was even worst than her playboy bf. He was an incurable flirt addicted to flirting..
However, one notable thing bout him was he was a smart guy who knew how to move his pawns.. He realized that the girl was gullible being in that state of mind and also that she could not say NO when someone asked her for help.
Using that characteristic, to his advantage, he played his game well. Always acting as if he cared bout her n her well being but at the same time, tricking her to do little things for him like correcting his work or helping with his assignments..
Nevertheless, there came one fine day when she saw his true face behind the mask he used to disguise himself..
And thus began his downfall.
Not only did she confront him but she made sure almost everyone in his circle of acquaintance knew his true color. Abashed and ashamed that his true color was now no longer a secret, the guy took to confinement. He started separating himself from the others not being able to face them.
But like the saying that goes, old habits die hard, he decided to come back with a new trick up his sleeves. This time the objective was not girls but FAME.
Lol.. Trying to come up with a new niche that spelled PERSONAL GLORY, he once again went back to that girl trying to brag and boast as if he was the only one who could have achieved such great heights.
But again, she proved him wrong. Showing him that he wasn’t the first person to have created that particular niche but others have already done so. When she substantiated her stand with proof, it was the final straw for him.
He couldn’t stand that someone he thought was so gullible and could have been eating out of his hands actually proved to be a tough match, thwarting him time and again.
So what else could he do to save that tiny weeny lil bit of self respect and ego he had?
Resolve to calling her names, of course…
Hahaha.. Poor poor guy.. Not only did he lack in maturity and conscience, but he was seriously deprived of a properly functioning brain… Hopefully, he finds one ASAP if he wants to save himself from further ignominies.
P/S :- If ya’ll wondering who is that fellow, than here’s a clue:-

If ya smart, decode it.. hehehe…
After all, life is full of suprises and magic... :P
*Of eGo N FooLishNeSS*
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