Friday, January 09, 2009

♠♠ The 2009 Calendar Quest ♠♠

“Mika, there’s a Johnny Depp calendar there. Wanna buy ah???

My response :- OBVIOUSLY!!!

Alas, the mere fact that I was not in Penang but in KL at that time and it was already 5pm which means = TRAFFIC and sooo, I have to get going, it meant a big evil “NO” to the calendar.

Thinking that I could still get it in Penang’s MPH, off I went, poor poor me *giggles* with high hopes only to see all those hopes dashed *sob sob* .

Guess, not only Johnny but even his calendars sells like hot cakes. It was out of stock. Despite trying to place an order with KL’s MPH, it was all in vain.

Would I give up?? Hellloo, we’re talking bout Johnny Depp here…

When it comes to Johnny, there’s no such thing as giving up.

Therefore, I set out to do my own calendar. What set out to be a simple calendar turned out to be quite wonderful at last. Even my brother, who at first scorned at the quality of my first attempt (gotta admit, it looked horrible) expressed his compliments when he saw this calendar.

After spending RM30 to refill my ink cartridge only to find out that refilled ink wouldn’t print out the image like I expected and than having to go on a search for any shops that would print color, I finally, FINALLY found one and forked out RM15 for it..

Finally, here I am, the proud owner of my darling Johnny’s home made calendar which cost me RM 45 ++ (the petrol, effort, etc) where else the one in MPH was only RM 36.90.. But the satisfying feeling- Now, that is priceless… lol…

Well, it’s a wonderful start to 2009… *winks*

Here’s a screen shot of my calendar from the month of January to December 2009..

*Aloha 2009*


dream said...

thank for your caring,shamini.wish you have a nice weekend at kl.have fun!

VG said...

ha ha ha... Dahsyat la ma ninga.. =)