Wednesday, April 01, 2009

-- Last Year's TRICK--

The Beginning :-

SmS at 11.50pm, 31st March 2008
Im sorry to bother you but i need a favour. Are you free tomorrow? I need to go to the JPA's office in Putrajaya. I'll reach Pudu Bus Stop in the morning. Can you pls pick me up and send me there?

Within seconds, he calls her....

But, she declines the call...

He calls her again...

She declines...

She replies with a sms:- 11.58pm-ish...31st March 2008...
I'll call you in 5 minutes and explain the details k...

The Climax :-

Call at 12.03am-ish,1st Aprl 2008

She :- Hey flame...So, how? ur free?
He :- Yeah, im free.. What time do you need to be there?
She :- About 8am.. Can ah?
He :- Can... But, i need to send my brother about 7.30am.. So, ill sent u first to Putrajaya.. Than, ill go back n sent my brother before coming and picking you up again... Is that ok?
She :- Sure, no problem.. But you're sure its not a problem for you? Coz i don't wanna trouble you la pa..
He :- No la.. No problem..
She :- Thank you so much.. And one more thing, lol.. HAPPY APRIL FOOLS DAY!!! hahahaa.. i was just kidding.. i aint coming to KL all..
He :- Huh.. Wei.... aiyoooo...


So fast, a year has passed.. and once again, its 11.51pm,31st March 2009...

The only difference is, this time the joke is on her...


And, the best part is, he didnt need to wait for 1st of April to do so...

All he needed to do was to tell her the three letter phrase which she stupidly fell for...

So much for April Fools Day..

As of now, life as a whole had turned out to be a big joke for her....


*Happy April Fools Day*


VG said...

something sounds funny..and something sounds sad...

ehmm.. i got no words..

as usual this post remind me some incident on first april 2008

ChoCaFeInoHoLiC said...

lol... life kan cam tu.. sometimes funny.. sometimes say.. ikut flow tha.. hehehehe :)