Wednesday, December 06, 2006

ARGHHHHHHHHHH... PIsseD PissEd..SUPER DUPER PISSED here i am..after soo long..finally sitting down to blog.. as i blog about my thanksgiving outing..half way through.. n guess what? the power supply goes OFF.. yes OFFFFFFF.. and there goes my blog.. eeeeeuuuu.. im sooo sooo pissedddddddddddd..... FARK the power supply... Im OFFICIALLY very very pissed... RIP


Anonymous said...

Babe...y la so long never update? And where have you disappeared off to lah...

DyanT said...


u noe, linda and i are super worried bout u... not only havent u been on msn like u used to be, u havent been blogging as well.
r u ok?

we miz u so much.

take care ya. i personally wont forgive u if u let anything bad happen to urself.

happy new year

ChoCaFeInoHoLiC said...

hey darls... im soo sooo super duper sorry..after my account got hacked..i have no idea whats happening to that msn of doesnt show ppl... its like i dunno..i cant c u guys online...dayummm... misss u darlingsssss sooo much!!!