From a couch potato to a storybook-holic…Moving to Hand phone-crazy and than an IRC-junkie, you name it, I have been ADDICTED to it…
Well, guess the latest addiction to make to the TOP 10 LIST OF CHRONIC ADDICTION is Editing Photos Using My Hand phone…
Whoever knew that hand phones can be such a marvel.. lol actually I guess at the pace of our world today, everyone knows.. BUT and this is a BIG BUT, I never explored the options my darling Nokia N73 offered until one boring lecture day..
It was such a marvel to see what a few clicks can do to enhance a picture… And thus ignited the spark to edit n modify pictures.. Sometimes even making movies…So much so, it helped a great deal when it came to my English assignment…
gracias Nokie peeps…
Some of the best edited pics that I like are…
SketChiNg DurInG BuSiNeSS LaW LeCtuRe...
WheN I wAs SuPPoSeDLy DoInG MeRa HoMeWorK...
TeStinG My HaNdWriTinG...
MeRa DarLinG BaBiEs..
UiTM MeMoRieS...
And last but not least, the GRAND FINALE...
The ViDeO We DiD For My EngLisH AssIgnMeNt PreSenTatIOn....
I suppose it was all those fooling around creating mini muvee (that's how they spell it in my hand phone) that led to actually creating a proper short movie for my presentation... Guess i's a COOL ObSeSSioN after all.. :P
*A PicTuRe SpeaKs 1000 WoRdS*
wey its rily a nice one.. this is the thng normally happens in many house. anyhow. nite 9 pm also outside so bright ah.. need to edit it i guess. :P
hahahaha.. we shot it during the afternoon... realy happens in ur hs? awww.. huggiesss :P
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