Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mysterious Figure!!!
There was this piece of news/advert in The Star yesterday bout a mysterious figure found in KL... According to the witnesses, it was bout 12 feet tall and had many heads....
*That's the pic in the papers...*
i think i have just discovered the real identity of that "mysterious figure" i think it is FLAME carrying two girls on his hips.. Well, it's a known fact that he is a Casanova to the core.. So, maybe he got sick of keeping all his conquest a secret and decided to shed light on it.. Thus, he strutted around the roads of KL, carrying his two girlfriends on his hips.. Makes sense rite... since the figure had two legs and many heads... FLAME's two legs and the girls' + his head = 3 heads... I guess it will look something like this...
*Chocafeinoholic's doodles*
Hehe.. that's the best art that i could do... but i guess it gives some kinda impression rite... So there you go.. Mystery's solved!!! The next time anyone sees this "figure", just ask them to go do it in private and stop strutting around like it's some kinda free show or something.. Helps save all the unnecessary energy and publicity... *giggles*
*Random Scribblings*


dream said...

hi,sham.I see u unhappy in this few r u?u can share with me if u want.Be happy

Khirul said...

aiyo shamini what are you imagining laa. i must ask linda to go there and smack you in the head and bring you back to reality

ChoCaFeInoHoLiC said...

lol im notttt imagining..
check monday's papers :- Jul 13th 2009..
front page!!!

im just deciphering that figure my way khirul :P

Nithz said...

Hahahaha..i did thought the same thing as well. Give me high 5 girl!!

CooOOooL :)