FreaKy FriDay aLa sHaMz’s VerSioN
1.00am :- Sean Paul (SP) calls me and gives the bad news :- the PLAN back fired thanks to some unpredictable people.. Sad to hear, after all the high hopes we had. Anyway since it was already late, the convo was brief and I told him i’ll come online in the morning for the 411 on the story..
2.30am :- Messaged Nagma and told her briefly that the than backfired and will update her bout it tomorrow..
2.36am :- Nagma (being the usual kaypo… hehehe) msg’s back asking for the higlights at least..
3am :- Messaged her a short description of what happened and promised to get back to her in the morning
9am :- Suprisingly woke up early and the first thing to do :- LOG ON IRC… Only to find a memo telling me off… Well if getting a reprimanding memo from a stranger is disturbing, think again.. If only I had any inkling of what was waiting for me.. but nah, there was more waiting specially for me..
10.15am :- Nagma calls and we start our usual “updating” (this is how she phrases it. I call it analyzing the important points.. hehe)
Now comes the surprise :-
10.45am :- THE Big-B calls Nagma. Imagine that. *shrugs*
Nagma:- “ Sham.. Sham.. the Big-B is calling me.. Aiyo what am I to do la? *freaks*
Me :- Huh? Calling you? Acho.. Never mind answer la.. See what he has to say…
Nagma :- Sham, ill answer and call u back k..
10.52am :- Got impatient waiting for her to call back. So i gave her a ring only to find my call waiting. After a few tries, she answered but spoke in a rush.
Nagma :- Shammmmmm… He is shouting la.. Scolding you to the max. Wanna come to your house all.. Wait wait he is calling back..
Me :- Huh.. Oi.. Wei What??
And the line goes dead…
10.54am :- Calles Sean Paul and freaks out..I mean seriously, I cannot imagine the Big-B standing in front my house aite.. *shudders at the mere thought of it*.. Lol.. Imagine my parents’ reaction… Sean Paul tries to calm me down when I get a call from another person.. thinking its Nagma calling back, I hang up only to find some other dufus calling at the wrong time.
11.10am :- Checks my other phone and finds a miss call from The Big-B.. Well its always wise to face problems head on rather than beat around the bush aites.. SO, poor shamzy calls Big-B back, hoping to clear the air but what I received was something totally unexpected…
A few highlights from it were :-
The call started by Big-B shouting profanities non-stop for easily 10 minutes… The entire scolding speech (or karangan like how Sean Paul calls is) was only interjected by my occasional unfinished sentences like – “But, let me… Can I pls…You have to hear me…”
When Big-B finally decided to hear me out, I did my best trying to tell him why I had to succumb to the plan.. it was a retribution for what he did to Nagma and also for taking me for granted, always thinking he could say anything and I would belief…
Anyway with Big-B, admitting mistake was a mere dream.. Thus, it was scolding me over n over again, with his side of the story.. Anyway before we could reach to a consensus, my parents came back and I had to hang up.
1pm-5pm :- My worst ever car ride to Kampar.. Nagma was smsing me while I sat in the car, totally blank. Never did I expect things to blow out of proportion in such a major way. All I wanted to do was to go back to my room and call Nagma ASAP..
6pm :- My parents sent me back and left to Penang. It was raining heavily and the line in my room was really bad. So I had to come out to the porch to talk to Nagma. As we were busy doing a post-mortem on the whole issue, I felt something at the back of my neck. Brushing it away, I found a huge bee on the floor. Gosh, if only I had not brushed it away.. *sigh*
6.45pm :- Finish talking to Nagma and went inside my room. Sat on the bad and Lo n Behold, I felt a sharp stinging pain right above my ankle. Trust me, it was stinging to the max. Waking up, I found the stupid farking bee had actually crept inside my pants near the ankle and waited to sting me.. With the stinging leg, I called my parents who were even more shocked to hear. Since there were no clinics near by and I OBVIOSLY didn’t know what to do ( I have never been stung by a bee before) they decided to turn back.
7pm :- Locked my room and limped my way to the stairs. Stupid bee was still in my room. Sat and waited there for my parents to come.
7.15pm :- Called Sean Paul as he was still waiting for my call but couldn’t talk much thanks to the stupid bee who chose the wrong victim.
8pm :- Still sitting on the stairs waiting for my parents. When I called them, they were already approaching Taiping and had to make a turn back to Kampar…
9 pm :- My parents arrive and dad kills the stupid freaking bee which I hate to the MAX. Putting the bee in a plastic, they took me to the nearest clinic available (bout 25 minutes drive)
9.50pm :- I am told that I need to put an injection since the stung had caused my leg to swell like a balloon. (thank you, stupid bee).
9.55pm :- I enter the doctor’s room and once again, I manage to embarrass myself. I have always had a phobia for injections. So, it was back to the screaming n crying, while the doctor laughed. Poor me.
10.40pm :- Back to my hostel to take my school bag and the things needed for my exam. Yes, my exams started the next day. What a timing rite!
11pm :- Checked into the hotel since it was too late for my parents to drive back.
11.20pm :- Finally, with my balloon sized leg settled on the chair, I opened the book to start studying. Thankfully, it was English for Business paper. Imagine if it had been Business Law or QT.
P/s := Within 45 minutes, my poor feet and ankle became swollen like a balloon.. (pic below)

Talk about an eventful day.. No doubt, this is by far, the one day I can never forget. From bad news to bad scolding to bad bee biting my leg badly, could it get any worst??? 5th September 2008 certainly takes the award for being a totally farked up day… But on the bright side, I learnt a lot…
First being learning the true colors of Big-B and next being the hackneyed lesson – Never procrastinate and keep studying for exam to the very last minute coz we never know hat might happen aite.. *grins*
*Freakishly Freaking Friday*