Tuesday, September 30, 2008

--DeLeTinG SpRee--

Click the X…Click Yes.. n POOF!!! It”s GONE!!!

How easy to delete rite?


Well, NOOOO!!!!!!!

Adding a friend in your Friendster list is easy but deleting a bunch of them takes a whole lot of time and PATIENCE…

But someone’s gotta do it at some point aite..

Hence began my deleting spree…

After almost 3 hours plus, I finally filtered my friendster’s friend list from almost 700 to 189 people NOW…


Its better to know who is in ur list rather than just add for the sake of it..

*pets my poor tired fingers*


VG said...

hahahahhaha.. that what was i did in my first account. kekekke.. spending few hours to delete some unwanted people and the list goes down from 899 to 101. i still remember the figure cuz when add both will end up 1000. and i do spend time to del all the graphics comment and i spend another day for it.. people called me crazy. anyway i got rites to do anything on my profile rite. anyway my 2nd account ONLY MY FRIENDS in my list. so no problem ler... :))

kita sama kepala wey.. proud to tho gal .:) :P

ChoCaFeInoHoLiC said...

hehehehe.. looks like we have lots of similarities eh.. hahaha.. true true.. our account so we have all the rights to do what we want... :P.. malas la.. especially when some times my frens ask me who is so n so.. i will reply :- dunno who.. i saja add...

Satish said...

when u deleted all o dem...i'm sure u must hav got a lot o messages sayin like..'why u delete me ?'...rite or not ?..hehe