--- TAGGED - PiCTuRe MaNia ---
I'm TaGGeD!!!
Ahhhhh... Where's the exit door???? *giggles*
Hehe... Anyway, this is kinda fun.. Viji ka tagged me..Gracias Ka...
So, all i'm supposed to do is read and answer the following questions.. Sounds easy aite??? hehe.. But nah.. the catch here is to answer with images and hope that those images can actually convey my thoughts...
So here goes....
My Answers... :-
1. My age on my next birthday...
2. A place that i'd like to travel...
3. My favourite place...
4. My favourite food/drink...
5. My favourite pet...
6. My favourite color combination...
7.My favourite piece of clothing...
9.My favourite TV show...
10. Full name of my significant other...
11. The town in which i live...
12.My screen name/nickname
13. My First Job...
14. My Dream Job...
15. The bad habit that i have...
I just turned 22 and now 23??? Ahhhhh...

Milan + Venice + Rome + Florence = ITALY...

My room specifically MY BED...
Chocolate and a triple shot Latte makes my day :P

My darling babies, Hyper n Snowy...

The perfect combo :- THAT purple, white and black...

Army prints and denim..
8.My all time favourite song...
The ultimate beat of my heart... :P

John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II... *giggles*

None other than the great Georgetown...

Apparently, Mimi was the name i told everyone who attended my 1st birthday and so it kinda just stucked..However, for my brother and the other younger ones, its MiKa..
Remembering those times where i thought tuition for my juniors... ahh.. fond memories :P

Always always an actuary...

Oh yeah, i have a short temper... Especially when it comes to my brother.. hehe.. Sorry Arrwin :P

I'll book a tombstone n grave right next to Johnny Depp... Hehehe..

Cool yet inspiring :)

Well, its a toss between these two... Since my eyes are constantly hidden behind my glasses and my hair aint naturally that straight nor is it in that color, i just dont know... LOL...

Finallyyyyy.... I'm DONE!!!
And it took me more than 3 hours to get it done....
But now i get to tag others...
Here goes :- I TAG Ash, Prema ka, Andrew and Khirul...
*A picture speaks a thousand words*
yeah i like my bed too.
Favourite color: Pinky GAL MEH??? jus knew that. :)
Whata romantic song... :))
Full name of my significant other...
John Christopher "Johnny" Depp II
--> ade daaaa :P...
MIMI, sounds cool and nice. u named urself?? :))
BAD HABIT -- looks similar again :P
Must careful with ths budak la next time... hehhehe
The first thing that i'll buy when i get $1,000,000...
I'll book a tombstone n grave right next to Johnny Depp...
--> let him knw this first.. nanti terlari dari grave plak. :P
You have butiful eyes.
And, about your hair--- wey it looks damn chun. It is not easy to maintain a long hair u knw..
p/s: i oso took nearly 4 hours to complete.. sometimes the picture terdelete so upload again..edit. haiz.. so much la..
But anyway, its fun!!
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