Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I AM TAGGED…gracias Ash..... never knew she had a special interest to know weird things bout me… kekekek…..

Well here goes….

6 WeIrD ThiNgs AbouT A NatuRaLLy WeIrD OnE…..

1) Shawls..Shawls and more Shawls....One tied around like a skirt, one on the head and one on the hand, I like to wear them and dance around my house at night… Guess it kinda releases tension and improves my dancing skills… kekekeke…..

2) Rain …Rain… Don’t go away…. LiL ShaM wants to Play…. Lol… I love playing in the rain…But, before playing, I like to mix Ribena n let it chill..once I come back, wet in the rain, love to drink the cold a kinda chilled sensation…. Lol… not to forget a Confirmed Visit from Mr.Flu..

3) I love scribbling tables… YESSSS… hehe..a lil bit of vandalism..never like using a rough paper to do math or while writing essays..just like scribbling on the table… P.S – should check out my desk in INTEC…:P

4) Luv the combination of Chocoholate Cubes (Cadbury) + Nescaffe + One Caffeine PiLL all mixed in one large mug, sitting on my couch, wrapped in my blankie, drinking my ShaMzOmoCha…..

5) Standing rite below the sun, trying to feel the heat n c how far I can take it….feeling that hot rays penetrate my skin…standing there as long as I can just before running for shelter n start complaining its Freaking Hot and Reprimanding myself for doing it…. keke.. till today I wonder y I even do that…:P

6) Each time im eating in a shop, I like to play with the remainder food, mixing all the left overs, adding ketchup, pepper n nething I lay my eyes on, creating A GROSS GLOB n then tasting it… just one teeny weeny touch of it…

I assure u I am 100% sane….. really… trust me…. I AM… :P

*chuckles devilishly*

My time to tag… la la laa…

N the winners of the Chocafeinoholic Awards Year 2007/2008 goes to :-

1. Khi..Khi...Khirul

2. Dyan Da Diva

3. Alicia Loon

4. Kugs

5. Dr House

6. Shin Yau

*Creep Creepy Creeps*


Anonymous said...

eh you are so weird la shamini. omg tsk tsk. but i still love you anyway

ChoCaFeInoHoLiC said...

awwww khirul.... so sweet... haha *tears tears*... i love u too...