Monday, November 19, 2007

-- WheN BoY MeeTs GiRL--

Guy :- Im sorry but I think things between us are not looking so bright. I guess we should call it quits.

Girl :- So you’re breaking up with me? *gasp*

Guy :- Well, I like you a lot but I just don’t feel that initial spark again

*n they go their separate ways*

But, what happens if the Guy comes back to the Girl and asks her the questions below?

Hahaha… if I am the girl, this would have been my answers :P

P/S = Specially dedicated to fLaMe

Guy :- Why did I let you go? Me :- Coz a donkey like you will never know the fragrance of a flower like me :P Guy :- Can I win you back?

Me :- Aww I think we should remain in reality instead of dreaming too much now, don’t you? *giggles* Anyway I aint god to give u wonderful chances again….

Guy :- I still love you. Me :- Is that even a suprise? I mean who doesnt love angels? *grins* Guy :- When did we last talk? Me :- Now tell me why would I wanna remember peripheral issues like that? Guy :- Can you go out with me? Me :- *sigh* How many times do I tell you to remain in reality and not go off dreaming so much…

Guy :- Hey, can i give you/ask for a ride? Me :- Opps my car doesn’t take scums like ya.. betta luck next time :P Guy :- Were you able to move on when I have not? Me :- Be rite back - my bf's on the phone and yeah, do you know any place suitable for lunch for two? Guy :- I regret losing you. Me :- ur loss, my gain... :PPP Guy :- I cannot keep my promise to you. Me :- promise? when i dont even remember u, how am i to remember ur promise?

Guy :- My parents do not like you. Me :- i never liked them in the first place too.. hahahaha

Guy :- My friends says we don't look good together. Me :- obviously i always knew i was too good for u... hehehe Guy :- You have changed. Me :- u bet i have.. n definitely for the better else i would have smacked u long ago...

*Sweet Sweet Revenge*


Anonymous said...

flame, fire, blaze, bonfire and all those synonyms..certainly rings a bell in my head. it is amazing isn't it how the human brain works? ;) sometimes i wonder if the brain controls every other part or every other part is controlled by emotions..

ChoCaFeInoHoLiC said...

hahahahhahahaha....... smart smart u... lol... well the brain is definitely god's best gift for it treasure it :P