||-- DisCo DAnia??? Work??? Mardi Gras??? --||
*opens the door and gets onto the bed*
Finaallyyy FinaLLy back iN MY room....
Back From???
WORK - yeah i ended up going to work...lol.... bye bye Disco Dhania...
Suprisingly, i dont feel that upset as i thought i would be.... haha.. nah nah im not covering up or whatever... i do feel a tiny pang of regret but coming to think of it, i did have a fair share of fun...
haha..yes i did... it was MARDI GRAS.... some festival i dont have a clueee about.. but every residence hall celebrated it....
here i am..walking back from walk, entering the residence hall..and wowww trulyy it was one remarkable sight...there were ballons n stringers avery where... people were flocking the main desk...
in one corner, there was a dance kinda thingy going on.... u had to dance to win the Mardi Gras Beads...on the other corner, they were making masks... to see everyone happily celebrating it, kinda lifted up the dampen spirit that was hauting the whole day...
hehe... rushing back to my room n changing to a better outfit (who would wana go to a party in that blue tee..), i went to the mask section... i have alwayss loved that mask... that type of masquerade...made me feel all so enigmatic and alluring... hehehe...
art was NEVER my strong subject.. haha..to c everyone decorating their white mask felt kinda intimidating..here i am standing...a total noob in this whole decorate ur mask thing... neway no harm in trying...
off i started decorating my mask....
*after a painstaking 90 minutes*
Close ur eyes and hold your breath... for what ur gona c is not a sight to miss... its a once in a life thing..so savour each n every moment.... - lol dramatic nya... :P

My First Mask..... hehe..preety aite? well at least for a total beginner, it did look cute.... :P it's even cuter on the owner... *grins*
Mask Num 2 :- this was a totally unexpected mask..while waiting for the Mask Num 1 to dry, decided to paint another....
The Purple beads :- "A Must Wear" in Mardi Gras, it was something i kinda won coz i painted my masks...
lol.. it was really really fun doing something i neverr ever did before in my life...turning a white masquerade to my own one.... though i do feel bumped not being able to go for the disco dhania, it wasnt that bad.... in fact, it was FUN.. yesss, FUN!!! hehe..
the best part of it :- i already have Arrwin wanting one of it..guess the 2nd one goes to him since the first has the word PRINCESS on it :P
Mardi Gras... ohh Mardi Gras...i dont know what u r....y ur even celebrated..but u brightened up my day..... rofl....
the best part of it :- i already have Arrwin wanting one of it..guess the 2nd one goes to him since the first has the word PRINCESS on it :P
Mardi Gras... ohh Mardi Gras...i dont know what u r....y ur even celebrated..but u brightened up my day..... rofl....
*eXpect ThE UnexPecTeD*
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