||-- StartLiNg SeLf DisCoVery--||
Boredom leads to self discovery…. How true… With my CS 105 exam in an hour, here I am blogging… Gosh..Sad but true, i have metamorphosed into a different person…. On look at how my perception about severall mundane matter have changed is proof enough… But the question is – is it for good or bad? I wonder….
6 June 1987 – 2 Dec 2005 ( the day SPM ended)
1) *click click* (looks around frantically before running FOR cover) - a total camera shy person….
2) Guys – u mean those from our species with the XY genes? Yeah have seen them and read about them…
3) Online Shopping – online? U can shop online? Wow… never heard of it…
4) Playing truant – r u kidding me? I have 100% attendance
5) Mirc – is it some kinda computer software? Sorry I have no idea
6) Piercing – *ahhhh* don’t ever dream of bringing the needle near me
7) Homework – have to be completed by hook or crook despite the 11th hour ( once a procrastinator…always a procrastinator)
8) Handphone – “lots of credit left.. keeps on rolling over la mummy…”
9) Coca Cola – opps exam time… where the tonic?
10) Songs – I am never n will never be a music fan…
11) Clubbing – crazy ah? No interest at all la… wont go!!!!!
12) Lying – hehe.. u mean like fighting with my brother and not telling mum? Haha..
13) Clothes – jeans and tshirt….. yet I still love my comfy shorts….
14) Friendster – never heard before… what is that?
15) Trouble - Mummy.... im so so doomed..... Do something, PLEASEEEE!!!
16) Fuck - lol... purleaseeee la... i dont curse all... maximum i use is stupid idiot fool k...
17) Blogging - Whats with all this jargon terms that i have never heard before??? *blur*
*drum rolls*
1) *click click* (looks around enthusiastically before running TOWARDS the cam) - Self declared came lover
2) Guys – haha.. almost half of my circle of frens…..
3) Online shoping – guess..gap..old navy..just name it n ill give u the webpage…
4) Playing truant – that’s my latest hobby :P
5) Mirc – I spend almost 2/3 of my day there… *no regrets though*
6) Piercing – hmm.. let me c…5 on my ears…one on the nose… Future plan = one on the right eyebrow
7) Homework – is it graded? else forget it…kekeke…..
8) Handphone – “u mad ah? U reload everyday?” *grins*
9) Coca cola – a daily MUST….
10) Songs – the first thing I open the moment I log in – even more suprising I actually listen to English songs… haha
11) Clubbing – Shin wei, im free tonight. Wana go to Hyperdive? Hehehe (but not that often though)
12) Lying – I went out without my parents knowledge ( guess the severity of lie has changed)
13) Clothes – Something comfy yet modern and hot!! Lol.. im a teen hun…. Whatcha expect? :P
14) Friendster – A daily must to log on and “cuci mata”
15) Trouble - Hello Mr. Bed.. Hi Ms Tears...its Alone time *weep weep*
16) Fuck - I dont even wana start counting how many times i say that word daily...
17) Blogging - The one way to release all i feel....I LUVVVV it... muaks muaks blogspot!!!
Things that Have Never Changed N probably Will Never Change
1) I am A Die Hard faN of CHOCOLATES!!! Netime..neday… chocolate cheers up my day…
2) I’ll always be my Dad’s Princess…Mum’s Best Fren… Arrwin’s Nitemare (in a sweet way…hehe) and Hyper & Snowy’s DarLings
3) I Am N Luv TO Be Pampered
5) I shall always be an Enid Blyton fan... hehe.. who doesnt love her kiddoo stories??
6) Once a
hehe... mind boggling rite? to c so many changes..... here comes the moment of truth....

Before 2006.....

After 2006 - Present
FUTURE - ?????
* Changes...Changing...CHANGED...*
goodness shamini what you did to your hair??! hehe.. looks good
hehehe... yippieee... lol... i streaked it... kinda blonde color... haha..thansk thanks khirul :)
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