-- PlaNNeD Or WhaT??? --
"ClaSSeS on 02/13 and 02/14 HaVe BeeN CaNceLLeD Due To the THiCk SNoW!!!"
R u Kiddin Me? I mean only a few weeks ago Emily told me that there has been no such thing as a Snow Day for decades.... So to hope for one, what with global warming and all would be like hoping for johnny depp to date me (though that could happen in future. kekeke)... n today? its a snowday!!! not one but two days... yippie yippie ya ya.. i so knew it.. yes i knew knew knewww it...
kekekeke... i sure did, dint i? i mean it was thanks to me n my sincere hopes that classes would be canceled... haha..well its not like i havea list of Mr.Valentines waiting for me to need xtra time for dating.. haha to be true, i just had a so called, "i THOUGHT he was my fren but IN reality it A NO" kinda fren (hmm...do i stil call him this) telling me the true fact....
*slaps slaps* - next time dont be a fool u chocoholic
keke.. thats just me i guess... neway back to the story... well, despite the tears n all( i just cant stop rambling, can i).... it was more to the fun part.. it was snow ppl.. haha yes yess 6-8 inches of snow n a snow storm.. u call that cool or what?
what else ur waitng for hun? letssss go.. yesssssssssss... haha.. there i was runing like a mad gal all around the snow.. gosh i felt like an eskimo...seing white snow everywhere.... where where where r u Mr.Green? it was then i realised Ms White had Just thwarted Mr.Green.... it was truly one sight il never forget...
not forgeting the snow in my room.. hehe yes yes in my room.. my roomie had left the windows openn..so can u imagine the shock i got to c a pile of white stuff near the window... it scared the day lights out of me... dayum....but who cares? runing around the snow was soo fun...
guess i was blessed with Felix Felicis Luck Potion... coz when i checked my mail..there it was sititng - the book i had ordered a month ago... yippieeeee..supposedly reaching in 4-8 days but took more than a month, seing Can You Keep A Secret was good enough to make a me jump....
but i was not the only one jumping.. for after taking the book, i went for dinner... n there it was, the garlic bread..siting rite next to my cold chicken...call it anziety to read the book (cover malu) or plain clumsiness, one minute it was on my plate..the next minute i saw my garlic bread flying...
*looks frantically for the EXIT sign*
gosh y y y now? out of all times, it just has to be the time a cute guy sits opposite me... damm... cursing under my breath, all i could do was walk calmly to the other side of the table n pick the slice of bread... ill never ever forgive the garli bread again..n witht his comes garlic sticks, garlic biscuit..or nething to do with garlic ( special exception - pizza hut's garlic bread).. hehehe
back to my room before drowsing off.... mum calls n gives me this realy really happy news... really..no kidding one of the best news i have heard.... haha...n once again back online... n guess who i c? lol yeahh.. Mr. Im Not Ur FreN online.. yesh.. haha.. well i cant deny it made that little line under my nose called lips curve upwards... kekekeke...
cant deny but i like seeing him there... wait wait... this does not mean i have nething for him... oh no no no... i sooo know where ur going.. lil princess, i have no such crush or whatever...its just that its fun to tease him what to do aite? thats just the foolish me.. ok ok..enough with Mr. Max...
comig back.... its valentines day n what do i have? a date with sky.. hehe yeah planeterium observation...well thats just my luck... ppl date with roses..i date with the snow, star n sky - the 3 s..... rhymes with my name at least... kekeke...
Back again under my cosy blankie, staring out the window… it makes me laugh to c how a bad start of the day can turn to be an eventful one…. From tears to laughs to feeling soo embarrassed n then happy once again… lol..who ever said life is boring?
P.S - Since Snowday Did exist, what does this mean??? hehehe... that my dream date with jonny depp is not too far away.... :PPP
*DaNcIng In HeaVeN N HeLL*
hi sham
i've arrived in sydney safely...
thanx for ur comment on my blog, i havent been able to update cuz ium living in a really shabby place now. no internet connection.
my no is 0413093402
take care machi and all the best
hey darls... good to know ur safe... no internet connection? whatever happened to globalisation? *gasp* neway do tc k... muaks n huggies hun...all the best to u too...
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